7 Songs that…

If someone put Marvin Gaye or Barry White on the iPod/CD player, there would be two thoughts going through my head

1.I think I know what’s going on, you’re trying to get me in the mood, seduce me, make me swoon  and fall into your arms aren’t you?

2. Really? Marvin Gaye and Barry White? Do you know anything about me?

So here is my Top 7 songs that I like to listen to before, during and after sex. Most of them I discovered in my heady single days in my early 20s, when I was a uni student and a sales assistant in the Record Department at Myer.

1. Van Morrison (Them)- I put a spell on you

This was on one of the first CDs I got when I got my stereo for my 21st birthday (which incidentally lasted until my daughter decided to hide beads in the CD drawer last year). It’s a fantastic song and this rendition is perfect for a slow dance.

2. Rolling Stones Under my thumb

I remember hearing Satisfaction when I was 6 and getting a funny feeling in my tummy. This song makes me want to move my hips and shake my groove thang!

3. Adele-Lovesong

I love Adele’s version of this song, probably even more than that of The Cure- terrible I know. She gives it a torch song quality which is gorgeous to hear.

4. Air-Playground Love

Mr BG bought ‘Moon Safari’ when we first started going out, and I think I’ve always associated Air with those feelings of new love and wanting to be with Mr BG day and night. Plus it’s from The Virgin Suicides, a great movie.

5. The Go-Betweens, Streets of your town

A feel-good summery song, where I feel the sun on my face, a light breeze on my shoulders, and grass tickling my feet. The Go-Betweens are one of Mr BG’s favourite bands too!

6. Dave Graney, Night of the Wolverine

A darker song, lovely guitar, reminds me of stolen kisses in the dark.

7. Wicked Game Chris Isaak

Chris Isaak’s voice makes me melt, like the first kiss you get from the boy you’ve liked for a long time, but never had the guts to say anything. It makes you feel like you’re floating on air :).


Has it been THAT long since my last post? Tsk, tsk, tsk…

Well I guess that’s what happens when Master BG has a 5th birthday extravaganza, which seemed to stretch on forever, a presentation for library staff on Web 2.0 on Monday, which caused a number of logistical headaches (the usual dropping kids off for a sleepover at grandparents’ place headache), and a dead slow internet connection, that happens at the end of the month when our broadband limit runs out.

As a result, I have a couple of half-completed posts, and some posts which I wrote WITH A PEN in a journal (I know! A paper diary! How retro is that?!).

All will be revealed soon, but for now a couple of tidbits to keep you amused 🙂

Librarian’s Guide to Etiquette– slightly tongue-in-cheek, always entertaining

Another kindred spirit who acknowledges the sexiness of the librarian– in this case the male librarian. I know where she’s coming from, seeing as I’m married to one…

Zombie Survival Guide– A great use of the libguide application from the University of Florida in the event of a zombie infestation and you need to access the library remotely. Thanks to @KatieTT

A Provocative Statement about Libraries– actually quite nice really…

Young Learners need librarians, not just Google– another nice article about the value of librarians in an educational setting

How to make a Super Sultandwich

A I spend an inordinate of time here, so it makes sense to know Facebook Facts & Figures

All you wanted to know about the State of the Blogosphere

PS– a blogger who always has something to say about wine, cycling, tattoos and the stupidity of Stephen Conroy. Also a good friend.

The thinker

I must admit, I do fantasise about getting a cleaner- someone to vacuum, dust, do my dishes, clean my kitchen, bathroom, oven and be a laundry fairy. And there is nothing quite so special as coming home after a day at work to a clean kitchen with dishes washed and dinner cooking. It HAS happened too!

I also fantasise about winning Tattslotto, moving back to Melbourne, living alone, living in Paris, writing full-time…but if you’re talking porn, well, …pictures of a hunky guy doing housework for me doesn’t cut it.

It’s partially the picture thing. A well built naked male body is a fine thing to view, but sometimes the models are a bit plastic- like Roger Moore in the 1960s or Rob Lowe in the 1980s.  And housework doesn’t put me in the mood at all!

Words, stories, vignettes are far more powerful than a picture, as it lets your imagination take over and fill in the gaps. But then what wouldn’t you expect from a librarian?

That’s not to say that physical aspects aren’t alluring. I look for a face with soft, full sensual lips, that you want to kiss you all over, eyes that not only light up when they first catch sight of you, but smoulder when they look directly at you, and a voice that can send shivers down your spine.

I find the inside of a man’s forearm incredibly sexy, particularly the inner wrist. I like looking at hands and imagining them touching me. I love the definition of a man’s hips, and the way they narrow down.

Basically it’s all in my head!

I’ll have what she’s having…

1989- a magical year. I was 18 and completely clueless about everything, especially boys. My first year at uni was an incredible eye-opener for a Catholic schoolgirl from Geelong.

I would skip uni and head or Acland St, Greville St or just to the city to the movies with my friend V. One such movie was When Harry Met Sally, still one of my all time faves.

What I’m saying is – and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form – is that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way. (Harry)

The reason why I still like this movie is that the question it raises- can women and men be friends? It’s a question which people still struggle to answer.

I have male friends. I enjoy their company, their different perspectives on life and their conversation. They are all happily attached to lovely partners, whom I have met, and in some cases speak more to than them sometimes :).

Is there a sex part to these friendships? There is an element of attraction, and for me there has usually been a moment where something clicks and you know you’re going to enjoy talking to them. Ultimately though there is a moment of choice- how do you want this fledgling relationship to develop- into a friendship or something more romantic? Ultimately friendships are longer-lasting and valued- and I still get to laugh a lot too :).

Do ya think I’m sexy?

Cindy Crawford hopes she is still considered sexy at 43 and would rather be a MILF than a cougar according to this article.

As a former supermodel, who survived on her looks and her physique to earn a living, she is being honest about how growing older makes her feel less attractive. If your attractiveness is an inherent part of who you are, its loss would be keenly felt. It is also quite humanising that here is an incredible looking womanwho suffers from insecurities like the rest of we mortals. Still, aspiring to be called a MILF (euphemistically called in the article as a “sexy woman who has children” or a Mom I’d Like to Fuck) feels a tad…shallow.

I asked a couple of gentlemen of my acquaintance if they knew of sexy older women (that is, women older than themselves). Cindy Crawford was deemed hot, as was Helen Mirren. Both were at a loss to define sexiness, no doubt due to its subjectivity (what one man finds sexy another may not). There may be more aspects to a woman’s sexiness apart from her looks- intelligence, personality may be factors which are considered.

Another aspect  with which I took issue was Crawford’s reliance on others to give herself validation. Perhaps she ought to stop thinking about how people see her and become comfortable in her own skin, do stuff for herself, and enjoy life and all it brings.

Off to bed methinks and grab some beauty sleep- we mortals need as much as we can get :)…

Wishin’ and Hopin’

Following on from my previous post I started thinking about a wish list. One day it will become a to-do list 🙂

1. Go to the Melbourne Cup, Derby Day, Oaks Day- never been, always had to work in Geelong which doesn’t get Cup Day, or having an exam (yes, University of Melbourne French, History and Political Science departments- I’m talking about vous). This is also an excuse to try on lots of hats at David Jones and Myer.

2. Drive a Porsche. I’m not a rev-head, but the combination of speed and a powerful car makes me tingle in all the right places.

3. Get a tattoo. Have been thinking about it for years. Just one thing stands in my way- finding the right design. Oh, and please don’t tell mum.

4. Attend a conference overseas- my feet are getting restless, I haven’t been to a conference in years, and am craving to network.

These ones are pretty silly, and more pie in the sky, but still…

5. Never have to wash, hangout, take in or sort laundry ever again.

6. Sleep for eight hours without being woken up by little ones.

7. Have sex without little ones barging in or crying- just a little off-putting to say the least…

What’s in a name?

Apart from being a library nerd, I am also a plain nerd- not that that has come as a surprise to some.

My overall nerdiness comes from a love of sci-fi- well, some sci-fi. I would be somewhat of a discerning nerd, if there were such a thing. Yes I have watched Star Wars, but am no real fan. I did watch Firefly, but that was because I was more of a Joss Whedon fan than a sci-fi fan. Star Trek is a fave, but only The Next Generation. My true sci-fi love is Doctor Who 🙂

Growing up in country Victoria, we had access to two TV channels, the local TV channel and the ABC. Two things happened- we played outside a lot, and we watched Doctor Who at 6pm every weeknight. Tom Baker was always my favourite childhood Doctor Who, but David Tennant has a certain je ne sai quoi (could be the skinny Scot thing!).  I came across an overview of David Tennant’s appearance at the recent Comic-Con, which gave hints and teasers about the upcoming Dr Who specials.

Which brings me to another nerd confession- attendance at a convention. In my defence I was accompanying my younger brother, who was still a minor. And I felt decidedly out of place, because I wasn’t wearing a costume, or any form of Star Trek regalia. But I did find the whole thing incredibly interesting…

I am also embracing my inner geek with one of my subjects at uni- Website operations and publishing. My involvement with websites has always been their structure, content and to a limited extent their design. I am getting in at the deep end with scripts and servers. Thankfully I am lucky to have so many dear friends who are IT nerds to prevail upon :).

And finally, another person who agrees about librarians being sexy– or at least libraries…

Are librarians good in bed?

A friend posted an article from that quality newspaper The Sun, (tongue firmly in cheek) about how IT Workers are best in bed. I have no wish to refute the findings of the survey; in fact my personal experience would confirm the statement 🙂

It got me thinking, yet again, about that image of the librarian as a stuffy matronly frump, a shrivelled-up sexless prune, who would shriek at the sight of an erect penis- which is so not me (though an erect penis can be funny…).

I know in some rarified (and enlightened) circles, there is the image of the sexy librarian, but this works only in the grim reality  that there is no real place for kitten heels, especially if you’re on your feet for most of the day.

Maybe the library profession may attract a conservative element, but from a male friend who has worked with librarians, and bedded  a few, we  can “go off like a frog in a sock”.

And if you added the spice of overcoming baggage from a strict Catholic upbringing to the mix, you can certainly count yourself fortunate to encounter such a person.

And to answer the question I raised- we can be. I’ve had no complaints 🙂