Pining to run

I’ve been grounded and I hate it.

A recurring injury in my right hip has been diagnosed as bursitis with a tendinopathy in my gluteus minimus- or I have a tear in my tendon on my right hip which is causing inflammation when I undertake activity like running. In some ways I am glad I know what it is, after putting up with it for a long time.

The treatment plan recommended by my physiotherapist involves Pilates to build my core and strengthen my tendon, cortisone injections to alleviate the inflammation, and rest. Eventually I will build up to a stationary bike, and weights, but the rehabilitation program is set to last for 12 weeks. I am at week one, and it was so good to be exercising after a forced break, even if it was stretching and using my core muscles!

However, my plans to run at Run Melbourne (I had signed up for the half marathon, but was looking at completing the 10km) have been pushed aside. I look at the events my running posse are doing with envy. I see people running around the Lake, or up the street and wish I was doing it. Being told I can’t do something only makes it more desirable don’t you think?

I miss moving, I miss my friends and I feel left behind.

Eat, Drink, Share Ballarat

For the last couple of months, I have been running with a great group of ladies on a Saturday morning. It’s a good run and a great chance to meet and talk about everything under the sun. I wouldn’t have been able to do the Run for the Kids without them.

One of the ladies, Lyndel, has just started a new business called Eat Drink Share Ballarat. It’s a walking tour around Ballarat where you get to go to foodie establishments, look at what they offer and have a taste as well. And there are some really lovely places to eat and drink here, with fantastic local produce and excellent coffee.

If you are venturing up to Ballarat this weekend for the Heritage Weekend there are places available on the Saturday. You can also buy gift certificates as a birthday or Mother’s Day present.

I have bought some gift certificates already, and when I get back, I’ll be booking in as well!


Run for the Kids


I just did my first 15km Run for the Kids. The run takes you through the Domain Tunnel,  over the Bolte Bridge,  through Docklands and Southbank, before ending up in the Botanical Gardens.
I am stiff and sore, and I am craving a shower when I get home. But I am glad I’ve done it and I am looking forward to the next run :).
Thanks to my running buddies for the training and the constant nagging to get me to sign up.

#amonthinthelife- Day 15

With the mornings growing darker, the running group I run with on a Saturday morning have modified our course from the Yarrowee trail to around the streets.

This morning’s route took us south, down to Redan and Sebastopol, and along part of the Yarrowee trail that I hadn’t visited in years. We passed by the old Ballarat Woollen Mill which was constructed in the 1870s, still standing after 150 years.

I am enjoying running more, as the running in a group is far more motivating than running by oneself. Different routes other than simply running the Lake also add to the variety. It’s a good way to see more of your town.

#amonthinthelife- Day 8

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I get up early Saturday morning and go for a run with a group of women, one of whom is my neighbour Robin. It was an early start this morning and too dark for the running track so we ran around town then headed to the Lake. We said hello to fellow runners, and cyclists, often greeted with the words “Hello ladies”.

It was a good run for me- 8km with very little walking and I was running at a quicker pace than usual. There are a couple of runs coming up for which I am tempted to register. Having usually run by myself, I am really enjoying being part of a group. You are motivated to keep up and we talk about everything under the sun. At the end of the run, you have a great sense of accomplishment, even over little challenges such as running up a hill :).

Coming back, I heard footsteps down the hall and a little voice saying “Morning mummy”. I got a cuddle and kiss and then I took this photo.

Happy International Women’s Day to all.


Two words for 2014

Be challenged.

Last year was about being mindful, of thinking and reflecting on my actions- or rather, thinking before I act. I realised that by being mindful and reflecting upon mistakes and lessons, I learned about my own limitations and capabilities.

This year it is about pushing myself to undertake tasks- and to complete them. Being mindful is something which will keep me on track, but last year made me aware that I need to push beyond my limitations and extend myself a little bit more. I did do that that with my new job, in a different organisation, doing things I haven’t done before.

I will be participating in a Crochet along, inspired by Tony who undertook a Knit along last year. This will involve crocheting snowflakes, which I can see popping up as Christmas decorations on my Christmas tree :).

I have also signed up for  the Year of Ethical Fashion, coordinated by Pip from Meet me at Mikes.

I want to move more, and get back into cycling more and running more. The cycling is a challenge as I‘ve got to learn how to ride without falling on my side when I struggle with unclipping myself from the bike :).

I also want to fit into a whole range of dresses I have in my wardrobe, so I will be continuing to exercise more regularly, be mindful of what I eat and continue to cut the crap from my diet.

I also want to engage more. I am a sucker for signing up to things, but not really engaging with people much after that. I will have to push myself to be a bit more and chat, go to meetups or lunches, and really step out of my shell.

The first thing though that I have to do is to get ready. I’m on holidays and today we’re off to Tasmania! We’re going over on the ferry and driving around to Launceston, Hobart, Port Arthur and Coles Bay, to name a few places. Maybe my first challenge will be to blog it!

Run Ballarat the evidence!

post race bookgrrl

Thanks to people’s generosity and innate voyeurism, I have raised $140 (so far) for the children’s ward at the Ballarat hospital! Here’s the red-faced proof, and evidence that the sun also does shine in Ballarat :).

In my last post, I forgot to mention someone who has also been very supportive. He gets woken up when I roll out of bed to go for an early morning run, looked after the kids when I went running yesterday (though how we managed to miss each other at the finish line is mind-boggling), and looked after the kids while I took a rest in bed post-race. Thank you Mr BG. xxx

Please don’t be shy and donate– every little bit of money helps

Run Ballarat

Today I ran in the inaugural Run Ballarat, which was held to raise funds for the children’s ward at the Ballarat Hospital. Miss BG has visited as a day patient for her ears, and the staff and place are fantastic!

My legs are sore and stiff, my ankles hurt and my lower back aches, but it was my first fun run in nearly 18 months, in which I ran 11km, without stopping to walk. The feeling as I crossed the finish line in just under 1.17 was a combination of jubilation and exhaustion :). My neighbour Robyn took a photo of me, post fun run but I haven’t seen it- no doubt looking red-faced and relieved it’s over.

The route took in the best of central Ballarat, and the Lake. The killer was heading up the hill on Sturt Street,and the slight incline on Lydiard and Mair Street. Yet I came through and didn’t stop. I didn’t think I had it in me, but I am glad I had people like Robyn who ran with me, and Tim, my running partner and mate who believed in me.

It was strange to see the streets quiet and devoid of cars, but so inspiring to see the runners ahead and later the walkers coming in to the grounds of the City Oval. There were over 4000 registrations , and combined with families and supporters cheering people on, it felt like a sizeable chunk of Ballarat had gotten out of bed early on a Sunday morning to run for a good cause.

Speaking of which- I have a fundraising page for the event. If you could donate to helping little kids get better, I’d appreciate it. If I get more than $50 I’ll even post my post race picture on my blog :).



Bookgrrl’s Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Ever since I got woken up at 6am on my very first Mother’s Day, I have been somewhat ambivalent about the whole day. Where was my breakfast in bed and lie-in? I growled to my six-week old baby boy. His reply was a hungry and I’m wet cry, so I just got on with the day, and trundled down to Geelong to visit my own mum for Mother’s Day.

I am also not an overly huge fan of presents on Mother’s Day. My experience in retail poisoned me against the likes of Celine Dion, Enya, Richard Clayderman, The Fureys, Daniel O’Donnell and Harry Connick Jr, not to mention the pulpy romances that the store thought would appeal to mums. Honestly, did they think all mums were…mumsy?

Mind you, I am partial to a pair of slippers, and my favourite necklace was a Mother’s Day present, but all I want for Mother’s Day is for my kids to play nice with each other, go to bed when they’re told, stay in bed and sleep all night. Actually I’d like that every day, but I know that’s not going to happen…

What I am doing for Mother’s Day is what I’ve done for the past 2 years and that is do the Mother’s Day Classic. I’ll be running the 6km route around Lake Wendouree, and hoping to better last year’s running time of 37 minutes. If you want to sponsor me, you can visit my fundraising page.

Another thing I am also doing for Mother’s Day is giving to the Child’s i Foundation’s online baby shower. The Child’s i Foundation is an organisation established to help abandoned Ugandan children and their mothers. They offer short-term care for babies, help to place children within their own family or with another Ugandan family, and provide residential care to mothers, providing them with skills and vocational training.

If you want to know more, Bec Nielsen did a great guest post on Planning with Kids.

The suggestion is to buy a  baby shower gift instead of flowers and chocolates for your mum. While I’m not so sure how this would fly with my own mum, I’ll do it instead in my mother-in-law’s memory, as well as for myself.

Actually my Mother’s Day gift to my mum is sorted, but that’s a secret as to what she’s getting…

At any rate, please be nice to your mum every day, not just Mother’s Day. That would be the best present ever.

ps If Mr BG is reading this, I’d like some slippers…