#amonthinthelife- Day 13

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To do list#amonthinthelife #work

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We have had some network issues today, and my day was spent on the phone, checking if things were right, reporting back to my bosses. Thankfully it has all been resolved and for me today has been a day of ticks, not crosses. Bosses are happy, and that’s the main thing. Tonight I feel like Wonder Woman :).

What you also see is my list for tomorrow and the various things to follow up. Hopefully it is all out of my head and I can sleep easier tonight. I have been known to get up in the middle of the night to write something down that’s been spinning around in my mind, just so it’s out of my head and on a piece of paper.

There are some days my life seems to be a neverending to do list of tasks that always seem to reappear!Laundry, school lunches  and getting milk and bread always seem to be written in indelible ink…

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