Eine riesige Bibliothek Nerd

Warning- the following post will contain content of a geeky nature…(and apologies for my shocking German)

Google is not the last source of information– a lovely article on how you can’t always get what you want with the search engine to rule ’em all, and in fact the greatest sources of information are right under your nose.

At the moment I am a tad over powerpoint – it’s the whole keyword and catchphrase for me. Whatever happened to sentences, grammar and presentations that meant something afterward?I have come across so many powerpoint presentations that have no value afterward, because what they say is meaningless without the input of the presenter.

I am also over PDF being used as an alternative to a perfectly good html page on websites- PDFs are great for documents but still woefully inaccessible. I am over websites who are clearly designed for a screen resolution over 1024×768 pixels and when I have to amend the screen resolution I can’t read the text.

Yes I’m grouchy geek tonight- I’ve had three hours’ sleep, with no prospect of an early night tonight. See you on the other side…

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