If it’s Wednesday, it must be Belfast

After four weeks of travelling via train, we flew to Belfast. The time it took to travel to Heathrow on the Tube was about the same amount of time we were in the air from Heathrow to Belfast. The security, the checking in of the bags, the waiting for a delayed plane, made us feel very glad that the majority of our travel has not been by air.

What we have called the travel day, or relocating from one place to another, has always been the most stressful. The best part of this travel leg was being met at the airport by my aunties Moya and Deirdre, who are kindness and hospitality personified. And as all aunties are wont to do, they love to spoil my kids šŸ™‚ .

We also have a car! After four weeks of relying on trains, buses, taxis and planes, it feels odd to be behind a wheel. I have to remember the indicator and windscreen wipers are back to front in the new car, as well as negotiating the myriad of carriageways, motorways, roads and one way streets of Belfast. I have to remember how to park again!

We have dinner with my 94 year old granda, whom the kids call Big Papa (because he’s their papa’s dad), with his robot chair(which is a chair designed to help him on his feet). I catch up with my cousins Karen, Claire and Bronagh and relax with a gin and tonic. The kids get reacquainted with their great grandfather and his bowl of sweets. Life is good.

Our car, a Vauxhall Meriva Turbo, which has a sunroof, a cupholder and tray for passengers in the back and six gears. Looking forward to hitting the motorway…

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